Adjust. Acclimate. Adapt. Accept. Appreciate.
These are all words that are going to become quite familiar for me as I begin this new adventure. I arrived in Budapest yesterday, alive and well. The cats are also here, very unsure about what the heck has happened to them and their patio, but they will learn the A-list of words as well.
I was brought to the apartment where I will be staying by my new Budapest friend, Elena. She has been a blessing and a great help. I am learning the lesson of accepting help. I like to do things myself, but it's just not gonna be possible over here at this point. About an hour later I was alone in a strange apartment, in a new unfamiliar country, and I pretty much had a meltdown. I ran through about 184 emotions in about 17 minutes, most of which circled around the central theme of, "What have I done?!". I like familiarity, said the girl who moved overseas, and I will have to adjust and acclimate. Growth comes through change, and change is quite often difficult.
All I wanted last night was something that reminded me of home to give me a bit of comfort. There is no internet connection at the flat where I am staying, so checking my email or logging onto Facebook to see what all of you were up to was not an option. I turned on the tv to find that there were quite a few US options...dubbed into Hungarian. Hungarian Knight Rider was on for a bit and then, like a ray of sunlight, Friends came on. Because I know each episode by heart, I turned the sound all the way down and let my old friends keep me company. Phoebe? Even funny with no sound.
Today I began apartment hunting, which will take up my focus for the next while. The places I am seeing are so different from places back home, so I will have to adapt new way of life. Isn't that why someone moves to a new place? So what if the toilet is not in the same room as the shower? Perfect apartment, but there is no furniture. Great place, but the cats would jump out of the window and plummet to their death. This one is awesome but there is no parking place. No Target? No problem! Adapt.Adjust.Accept. Change is good...
There are so many great things about this country. I am excited to learn more, to become more more flexible, to enjoy and celebrate my new life!!